The wheel of colors
The wheel of colors
Artists, designers and architects already discovered the secret of colors. All colors in the world are divided according to their position in the wheel of colors. Ignore the white and the black which are light or absence of light. There are 3 primary colors: Blue, red and yellow. From these colors all other colors in the world can be created .
For example: Green is the combination of Blue and Yellow. The Orange is a combination of red and yellow. Purple- combination of Red and Blue .
In the wheel of colors – in front of every primary color stands alone its opposite. Against the red- stands the green. Against the blue stands the orange and against the yellow- the purple. THIS IS THE SECRET OF Put an object with a color that is opposite, close to the object you want to enhance. (Just like taking the picture of a model close to other models that are different in skin color, height, etc). In case you want harmony and tranquility pick colors that are close in the wheel of colors such as blue and green